
Learn more about me

Web software, Data Science & AI and R&D executive leader.

with 20 years experience in software engineering, data science, AI, and R&D management.

  • Website: www.francoisfournier.info
  • Phone: +33 6 68 49 46 53
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Home: Montagne Bourbonnaise
    / France / World
  • Training: PhD in AI, Management
  • Fluent Languages: French, English
  • Philosophical world view: Categorical Imperative / Secular Humanism

Expert in software development and management of innovative technical teams. 20 years of experience driving complex digital projects from conception to delivery. Passionate about cutting-edge innovations and technologies. Visionary with proven ability to turn a product vision into a high-impact platform. Entrepreneurial spirit, having created several startups. Seasoned leader recognized for aptitude to rally, motivate and develop technical talent.

Software and Data projects

People Managed

Degrees and Awards

Countries Lived/Worked in

Key Skills





Data Driven

Artificial Intelligence

Data Science

Software Engineering

Management & Leadership

Critical Thinking

Enterprise Architecture



Francois has a very straightforward, methodical and persuasive approach when providing career coaching. During our coaching sessions, he handled the issues in a systematic manner, helping me to identify my career goals and to develop a strategic approach to choosing the most advantageous and profitable career path. I appreciate his honest, weighed opinion delivered without unnecessary embellishment, as it helped me to take a fresh look at my career opportunities that lie ahead of me.

Alexandra Weber

Illustrator & graphic design

I had the chance of meeting François during our time at RGU and throughout that period he never failed to surprise me with the outstanding quality of his academic work and, even more importantly, with the kind and approachable manner in which he conducted himself. His willingness to help others was truly uplifting and I'm quite sure many students in that year owe him a debt of gratitude. Not often excellence goes hand in hand with a team-player mentality but in François' case it most certainly does.

Maurillio Addario

Analytics & Software Engineering Director

François Fournier was the Knowledge Transfer Associate on a project to mine data on drilling rigs and wells. He applied a bayesian network structure learning approach to building a model capable of predicting which rigs would have the best times to drilling depth for planned projects. François did an excellent job, achieving a successful prototype tool, validated against industrial data, a PhD and some academic publications in the process. I'm very happy to recommend François.

John McCall

Director, National Subsea Centre, at Robert Gordon University

I worked with François on a big database and user interface project. He was serious about the project and worked hard on it. He was confident about his analysis and had a good understanding of the company needs.

Mickaël Minarie

Freelance Engineer & content producer

Relevant Keyword and synonyms

Relevant Keywords and synonyms: Cloud architecture; Software engineering; Programming languages; Machine learning; Data science; ; Statistical modeling; Agile methodologies; Product development; Leadership Skills; Cross-functional management; Stakeholder management; Change management; Strategic planning; Budget management; Project management; Digital transformation; Business analytics; Data analytics; Artificial intelligence; Research and development; Software productization; Embedded systems; Energy efficiency; Offshore oil and gas; Energy sector; Petroleum industry; Energy forecasting; JavaScript; React; Node.js; Express; REST APIs; HTML5; CSS3; SASS; Bootstrap; jQuery; AJAX; JSON; Git; GitHub; Python; R; Django; SQL; PostgreSQL; MySQL; MongoDB; AWS; JIRA; Agile; Scrum; Continuous Integration; CI; Continuous Deployment; CD; Accessibility; Responsive Design; Progressive Web Apps; Web Performance; SEO; Data Products; Data Science; Key Performance Indicators; Research and Development; R&D; Scalability; Workable Solutions; Customer Satisfaction; CSAT; Objectives and Key Results; OKRs; Technical Vision; Business-to-Business; B2B; Climate; Climate Policy; Climate Tech; Data Driven Testing; Product Vision; Professional Services Industries; Data; Data Driven Development; Statistics; Statistical analysis; Public speaking; Toastmasters; Competent Communicator; Competent Leader; Cloud computing; Platform-as-a-Service; PaaS; Software-as-a-Service; SaaS; Product Led Growth; Microservices; Service-Oriented; Event-Driven Architecture; API; APIs; API management; DevOps; Agile software development; Scrum; Kanban; Machine Learning; ML; Computational Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence; Deep Learning DL; Feature Selection; Bayesian Networks; Weka; Natural Language Processing; NLP; Natural Language Programing; Big Data; Data Analytics; Data Visualization; Predictive Modeling; Prescriptive Analytics; Reinforcement Learning; Unsupervised Learning; Transfer Learning; Meta Learning; Strategic leadership; Change management; Cross-functional management; Stakeholder management; Project management; Program management; Portfolio management; Risk management; Team building; Mentoring; Coaching; Digital strategy; Digital innovation; Digital disruption; Business Model Innovation; Business Process Re-engineering; Human-Centered Design; Design Thinking; Enterprise Architecture; TOGAF; IT Architecture; Information Architecture; Data Architecture; Application Architecture; Technology Architecture; Business Intelligence; BI; Data Warehousing; Data Mining; Predictive Analytics; Prescriptive Analytics; Data Storytelling; Data Visualization; Dashboard; Reporting; Neural Networks; Conversational AI integration; Management Consulting; Innovation Consulting; Business Transformation; Change Management; Organizational Development; Talent Management; Leadership Development; Computer Science, Quality Standards; Software Engineering; Software Development; Software Lifecycle Management; Product Lifecycle Management; Team Positivity Management; Team engagement; Articulate presentation; Public speaking; Innovation management; Innovation; Purchasing; purchase management; vendor management; quality standards; Quality software; Computer Science; Scientific publication; author; writing; reading; intelligence gathering; business intelligence; Customer need analysis; customer-centric approach; stategic leadership; Leadership; Management; Budgeting; agile development; product development process management; cross-functional teams leadership; communication; fostering cultural improvement; nature management; earth science; GIS; geograhical information system; earth observation; scientific approach; science vulgarization; technical vulgarization; lead cross-functional teams; French; Cloud architecture; Plateforme de développement; Ingénierie logicielle; Apprentissage automatique; Science des données; Modélisation statistique; Méthodologies agiles; Développement de produits; Compétences de leadership; Gestion transversale; Gestion des parties prenantes; Gestion du changement; Leadership transformationnel; Planification stratégique; Gestion budgétaire; Gestion de projet; Transformation digitale; Architecture d'entreprise; Analyse des affaires; Analyse des données; Intelligence artificielle; Recherche et développement; Production de logiciels; Systèmes embarqués; Efficacité énergétique; Offshore; Secteur de l'énergie; Industrie pétrolière; Prévision énergétique; JavaScript; React; Node.js; Express; APIs REST; HTML5; CSS3; SASS; Bootstrap; jQuery; AJAX; JSON; Git; GitHub; Python; R; Django; SQL; PostgreSQL; MySQL; MongoDB; AWS; JIRA; Agile; Scrum; Intégration continue; Déploiement continu; Accessibilité; Responsive Design; Progressive Web Apps; Performances web; Référencement; Produits de données; Science des données; Indicateurs clés de performance; Recherche et développement; R&D; Extensibilité; Solutions faisables; Satisfaction client; Objectifs et résultats clés; Vision technique; Entreprise à entreprise; Climat; Politique climatique; Climat-tech; Tests basés sur les données; Données financières; Données géospatiales; Vision produit; Industries de services professionnels; Données; Développement piloté par les données; Statistiques; Analyse statistique; Prise de parole en public; Toastmasters; Communicateur compétent; Leader compétent; Informatique en nuage; Plateforme en tant que service; Logiciel en tant que service; Croissance axée sur le produit; Architecture de microservices; Architecture orientée services; Architecture pilotée par les événements; Gestion des API ; DevOps ; Développement agile de logiciels; Scrum; Kanban; BDD; Refactorisation; Apprentissage automatique; Intelligence computationnelle; Intelligence artificielle; Apprentissage profond; Sélection des caractéristiques; Réseaux bayésiens; Weka; Traitement automatique des langues; Programmation en langage naturel; Mégadonnées; Analytics de données; Visualisation de données; Modélisation prédictive; Analytics prescriptive; Apprentissage par renforcement; Apprentissage non supervisé; Transfert d'apprentissage; Apprentissage meta; Planification stratégique; Gestion du changement; Leadership transformationnel; Gestion transversale; Gestion des parties prenantes; Gestion de projet ; Gestion de programme; Gestion des risques; Construction d'équipe; Mentorat; Coaching; Stratégie numérique; Innovation numérique; Disruption numérique; Innovation du modèle d'affaires; Reengineering des processus métier; Conception centrée sur l'humain; Design thinking; Architecture d'entreprise; TOGAF; Architecture IT; Architecture de l'information; Architecture des données; Architecture applicative; Architecture technologique; Business intelligence; BI; Entreposage de données; Analyse prédictive; Analyse prescriptive; Mise en récit des données; Visualisation de données; Tableaux de bord; Reporting; Réseaux de neurones; Intégration d'IA conversationnelle; Conseil en management; Conseil en stratégie; Conseil en TI; Conseil numérique; Conseil en innovation; Conseil en transition digitale; Conseil en transition numérique; Transition numérique; Transition digitale; Transformation des affaires; Gestion du changement; Développement organisationnel; Gestion des talents; Développement du leadership;


Check My Resume


François Fournier

Seasoned technology leader combining deep technical expertise, entrepreneurial drive, and proven team development skills to deliver transformative digital products and solutions.


PhD: Artificial Intelligence for Decision Support


The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland

Probabilistic modelling of oil rig drilling operations for business decision support: a real world application of bayesian networks and computational intelligence.

Management and Leadership Diploma (Level 5)


Chartered Management Institute, London, UK

  • Leading People
  • Clear purpose and direction
  • Trust, respect and shared values
  • Communicates clearly and succinctly
  • Develops and supports individuals
  • Strategic thinking
  • Adapts leadership style
  • Managing Change
  • Encourages creation and innovation
  • Change and development
  • Scopes
  • plans and drives change
  • Manages others through change
  • Meeting Customer Needs
  • Customer relationships
  • Customer-driven
  • Meet customer requirements
  • Improve customer service and satisfaction
  • Managing Information and Knowledge
  • Information management and communications systems
  • Decision-making
  • Organisational knowledge and skills
  • Manages complexity
  • Managing Activities and Resources
  • Optimises use of financial resources
  • Increases operational efficiency and effectiveness
  • Plans and prioritises
  • Delivers on time, budget, standard
  • Resilience in achieving personal goals
  • Appropriate influence and persuasion
  • Professional and ethical practice

Professional Experience

Early-stage startup consulting

2022 - Present

MayetCo SAS, France

  • Lead in the design, development, and implementation of innovative products
  • Recruit, Manage, Lead a team to take over the project


2014 - 2022


  • Defined company strategy and product requirements
  • Managed a remote decentralized team of 7 multidisciplinary people
  • Raised €20k in cash and equipment, €1.8m in labor valuation
  • Oversaw software development (180k lines of code, 3.6m including dependencies)
  • Implemented a digital marketing strategy (over 300 articles) in English and French
  • Designed system architecture, created and launched 74 products

Productization team leader

2011 - 2013

ODS-Petrodata, Aberdeen, Scotland

  • Reduced time-to-market by 39% through software architecture optimization and data science
  • Spearheaded implementation of Green IT measures, reducing energy consumption by 10%
  • Contributed to 30% improvement in team satisfaction through inclusive initiatives

R&D project manager, Knowledge Transfer Associate with Robert Gordon University

2008 - 2011

ODS-Petrodata, Aberdeen, Scotland

  • Managed a distributed cross-functional R&D team (5) as well as distributed resources (15)
  • Defined product roadmaps and managed a €250k+ budget
  • Optimized statistical forecasting algorithms development time by 65% using data analysis
  • Authored 6 publications and presentations at international conferences
  • Initiated 8 collaborative projects with international universities

Software Engineer

2004 - 2008
  • Javascript
  • PHP, Nodejs
  • Java, C, C++
  • SQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL
  • Linux, Debian, Nginx, PM2, ufw, NAS, Network architecture
  • Software architecture, Database design, Data science
  • Embedeed systems, Electronics, Sensors


Projects, Passion Projects, Hobbies


Artisan rural french software shop. Custom web systems, Simitless apps, website hosting, all-included service.


Custom internal tools in minutes. Collaborate and get the information exchange from within your organization out of the way.

Debrouille & co

Débrouille is the art of getting by, to fend, to manage, to cope, to untangle, to straigten out and to unravel out. Débrouille, it's simply to make one's own way.

Blog [EN]

The Data-Driven Career, Analyzing for professional growth.
A personal blog with occasional articles in English.

Blog [FR]

Carrière en mode data, Analyses et réflexions pour progresser
A personal blog with occasional articles in French.


A project to revitalize rural areas to encourage the creation of artisanal activities. A design space for repairing, innovating, building, decorating, tinkering, programming.


Contact Me

Where in the tubes ?

Where to ping me ?

[email protected]

Where on the horn ?

+33 6 68 49 46 53

Original design by BootstrapMade, Customized by François